3 Years Blog Anniversary

Last updated: January 20, 2017

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I never thought I could keep a blog running for such a long time. It happened, thanks to habit setting.
Still I’ve hard time to call myself a blogger, let alone a writer. Yet I’ve to admit that it’s what I became, one hour per day at a time.
It wasn’t easy. But it’s so inspiring thanks to connections made with like-minded people such as Mr RIP or the Rockstar Finance team. It also keeps me accountable to find the best ways to reach FI as early as possible.

Blogging retrospective

This 3rd year in the blogging realm was the time to take the leap towards quality and contribution.

In order to provide you qualitative content, I took this writing class to improve my fluidity and conciseness. I can’t help but to recommend it. Moreover when you know that it’s from Joshua, one of the founder at theminimalists.com.

I try during my writing sessions to always think “How can I contribute to my readers’ growth? How can I add value to their (financial) life?”
Looking back at the analytics and number of comments, one of my prides is this home ownership serie experience that I shared with you.

2016 was also the year where we launched the Swiss FIRE community. This wasn’t a goal at all, but an answer to a real need when I see how lively it is.

Habit building was the key to this growth in both quality and contribution. 2017 will be the year to make those routines stay for the long run.

Financial retrospective

This third year of my journey towards financial independence was a big step.

We achieved our mid-term life goal by being home owners — one year earlier than planned.
Secondly, we reworked our budget to ensure a consistent savings rate over the months.
We also took the time to: find the best broker available for Swiss investors, define a Boglehead ETF portfolio for 2017, and get the best Mustachian 3a pillar.

We are now ready to focus solely on our long-term FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) goal: increase incomes and savings rate in order to get closer to FI date.

What’s for 2017?

2017 will be the year of entrepreneurship. I will support my wife with the start of her new business (yeah!).

2017 will be the year of meaning. Meaning in why I blog. As my main goal is to add value to as many people (financial) lives as possible, I renew my commitment to reach the widest audience possible in Switzerland. This will start by the French part of Switzerland which is my mother tongue (I know I committed to this already last year…).

2017 will be the year of authenticity. I want to give more of it in my blogposts. Bring more personal reflections about the feelings about my journey — on top of the cold numbers that we all love.

2017 will be the year of 5am habits. I’ve read “The Miracle Morning” (action points from the book will come in a separate article) which has been a source of inspiration. I may stop goal settings in favor of focused habits.

All in all, I’m so grateful for being where I am in life right now. I can’t help but to view 2017 as a year full of new opportunities and growth. I’m excited to continue this journey towards freedom with you guys and gals!

And you, what is your financial retrospective for last year? What did you learn? Fail? Master?

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As usual, I only write and review things that I use in my personal daily life, or that I trust.

Thank you for reading!